

Increasing Your Aim When Using a Crossbow

Posted by Sword N Armory on Jan 26th 2021

Increasing Your Aim When Using a Crossbow
Anyone who is looking to get better with a crossbow, you have come to the right place. Being able to use one properly is key in order to get the most out of the experience.Before we get into how to increase accuracy, we need to discuss what a crossbow is.What Defines a Crossbow?A crossbow has a stock that is similar to a firearm, and it shoots shorter arrows than conventional archery equipment. These shorter arrows are sometimes referred to by the medieval term “bolts.”Safe use of a crossbo
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Accuracy is Key in Any Sword Battle

Posted by Sword N Armory on Aug 5th 2019

Accuracy is Key in Any Sword Battle
What Really Matters in Sword Duels?Accuracy is the key in any sword battle. The very statement is a fact and truth that has been proven over centuries. From the time of the Roman Empire, there have been sword duels. The sword and its construction methods matter immensely, but accuracy is really the attribute that makes the difference. A swordsman can have the best blade known to man, but if they don't know how to accurately deliver the killing strike, the craftsmanship is irrelevant. What’s true
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