

Why're Mekugi Important Parts of the Japanese Sword?

Posted by Sword N Armory on Mar 24th 2020

Why're Mekugi Important Parts of the Japanese Sword?
Almost everyone has heard of a katana and likely, most have also heard of a tanto and a wakizashi. However, how many of you out there have heard of a mekugi? Very likely, not many. Now, to be clear, a katana, tanto and wakizashi are all different types of Japanese swords, popular with warriors during the feudal age, however, a mekugi is not a sword at all but rather an integral part of ancient, high quality sword construction.A mekugi is a small rounded peg, which were traditionally crafted of s
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How Often Should I Conduct Sword Maintenance?

Posted by Sword N Armory on Nov 29th 2017

How Often Should I Conduct Sword Maintenance?
Swords have captured the imagination for many years, whether they are broadaxes, Samurai swords, or thin rapiers, individuals have long had a fascination with them. Sword collectors embrace their collections and may have a number of swords they enjoy. With that said, sword maintenance is something that any collector of swords should know.How to maintain swords that is the question? What does one do? There are certain essential steps one most go through in order to maintain a sword.Although some
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An Intro to the Tomahawk Axe - Part 1

Posted by Sword N Armory on Aug 31st 2017

An Intro to the Tomahawk Axe - Part 1
The tomahawk axe is a multifaceted tool that has been used regularly for different purposes such warfare, self-defense, camping, unearthing, and other types utility applications. To admire and understand how to use a Tomahawk Axe, it's very important to gather a bit of background information about it.The modern tactical tomahawk axe has been modeled from the Native Americans’ ancient tomahawk. The axe was the choice weapon during the American Revolution before the increase usage in firearms. Thi
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