

Medieval Jousting: A Brief History

Posted by Sword N Armory on Apr 1st 2018

Medieval Jousting: A Brief History
When you think of medieval jousting, many things come to mind. The clapping that the horses create as their hooves slam against the ground, creating a symphony of sound. Metal clanging loudly as knights violently battled for their very lives. The anticipation of wondering who would be victorious as the last man standing. This was the exciting and deadly sport known as medieval jousting.Back in the day, believe it or not at one point, knights weren’t considered as the elite class we know them now
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A Foam Sword or Axe is Best for Beginners

Posted by Sword N Armory on Jun 28th 2017

A Foam Sword or Axe is Best for Beginners
When it comes to teaching someone the ins and outs of using a sword or axe in combat or in sporting events, the commonly held advice is for a beginner to use a weapon made of foam to prevent injuries. In fact, ancient fighters often used wooden-made swords back in the day when knights ruled the land. The thinking was, “why expose a newbie to dangerous swordplay?”Another aspect of learning the art of using a sword or axe is linked to the term “swordsmanship.” In general, this term refers to “lear
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