

The Art of Fighting With A Dagger

Posted by Sword N Armory on Mar 2nd 2018

The Art of Fighting With A Dagger
A dagger is a compact weapon that can be very dangerous. If you find yourself in a combative situation, knowing how to properly defend yourself with the dagger is vital to your victory. This will ensure that you'll obtain complete control over your weapon at all times, you'll always do with it what you are trying to do, and you'll not get injured with your weapon in the process of the defense.Finding a dagger that fits you is important. This means you'll want a dagger that has the right weight f
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Tools for Basic Self-Defense

Posted by Sword N Armory on Dec 30th 2017

Tools for Basic Self-Defense
In today's society, it’s important to learn how to defend yourself against any unwanted attacker(s). Aside from your cell phone, there are tools and defense mechanisms easy to use and legal to carry. Each of these devices are able to be carried in your purse or pocket during your daily activities.Pepper Spray is one of the most commonly used tools for self-defense. It’s relatively inexpensive. Using the pepper spray when needed is easy to do. When the attacker’s approximately 6 inches away, you
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Handcuffs Self-Defense Tips

Posted by Sword N Armory on Jun 28th 2017

Handcuffs Self-Defense Tips
It may seem rather odd to think about using an item like handcuffs for self-defense that you can buy here at Sword N Armory, but the fact is, when a dangerous situation arises, any object can become a weapon in the right hands. Also, keep in mind the laws in your area concerning the use of "weapons" in an altercation. Even an innocent item like handcuffs could be classified as a dangerous weapon if used in certain ways. Any weapon should only be used in self-defense to avoid problems with the la
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